namespace Spatie\SchemaOrg;
use ArrayAccess;
use BadMethodCallException;
use Closure;
use JsonSerializable;
use ReflectionClass;
use ReflectionNamedType;
use Spatie\SchemaOrg\Exceptions\InvalidType;
use Spatie\SchemaOrg\Exceptions\TypeAlreadyInGraph;
use Spatie\SchemaOrg\Exceptions\TypeNotInGraph;
* @method self|ThreeDimensionalModel threeDimensionalModel(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|AMRadioChannel aMRadioChannel(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|APIReference aPIReference(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|AboutPage aboutPage(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|AcceptAction acceptAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Accommodation accommodation(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|AccountingService accountingService(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|AchieveAction achieveAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Action action(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ActionAccessSpecification actionAccessSpecification(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ActionStatusType actionStatusType(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ActivateAction activateAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|AddAction addAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|AdministrativeArea administrativeArea(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|AdultEntertainment adultEntertainment(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|AdvertiserContentArticle advertiserContentArticle(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|AggregateOffer aggregateOffer(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|AggregateRating aggregateRating(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|AgreeAction agreeAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Airline airline(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Airport airport(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|AlignmentObject alignmentObject(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|AllocateAction allocateAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|AmpStory ampStory(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|AmusementPark amusementPark(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|AnalysisNewsArticle analysisNewsArticle(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|AnatomicalStructure anatomicalStructure(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|AnatomicalSystem anatomicalSystem(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|AnimalShelter animalShelter(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Answer answer(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Apartment apartment(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ApartmentComplex apartmentComplex(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|AppendAction appendAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ApplyAction applyAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ApprovedIndication approvedIndication(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Aquarium aquarium(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ArchiveComponent archiveComponent(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ArchiveOrganization archiveOrganization(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ArriveAction arriveAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ArtGallery artGallery(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Artery artery(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Article article(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|AskAction askAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|AskPublicNewsArticle askPublicNewsArticle(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|AssessAction assessAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|AssignAction assignAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Atlas atlas(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Attorney attorney(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Audience audience(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|AudioObject audioObject(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|AudioObjectSnapshot audioObjectSnapshot(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Audiobook audiobook(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|AuthorizeAction authorizeAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|AutoBodyShop autoBodyShop(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|AutoDealer autoDealer(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|AutoPartsStore autoPartsStore(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|AutoRental autoRental(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|AutoRepair autoRepair(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|AutoWash autoWash(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|AutomatedTeller automatedTeller(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|AutomotiveBusiness automotiveBusiness(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|BackgroundNewsArticle backgroundNewsArticle(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Bakery bakery(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|BankAccount bankAccount(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|BankOrCreditUnion bankOrCreditUnion(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|BarOrPub barOrPub(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Barcode barcode(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Beach beach(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|BeautySalon beautySalon(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|BedAndBreakfast bedAndBreakfast(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|BedDetails bedDetails(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|BedType bedType(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|BefriendAction befriendAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|BikeStore bikeStore(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|BioChemEntity bioChemEntity(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Blog blog(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|BlogPosting blogPosting(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|BloodTest bloodTest(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|BoardingPolicyType boardingPolicyType(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|BoatReservation boatReservation(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|BoatTerminal boatTerminal(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|BoatTrip boatTrip(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|BodyMeasurementTypeEnumeration bodyMeasurementTypeEnumeration(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|BodyOfWater bodyOfWater(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Bone bone(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Book book(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|BookFormatType bookFormatType(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|BookSeries bookSeries(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|BookStore bookStore(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|BookmarkAction bookmarkAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|BorrowAction borrowAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|BowlingAlley bowlingAlley(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|BrainStructure brainStructure(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Brand brand(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|BreadcrumbList breadcrumbList(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Brewery brewery(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Bridge bridge(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|BroadcastChannel broadcastChannel(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|BroadcastEvent broadcastEvent(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|BroadcastFrequencySpecification broadcastFrequencySpecification(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|BroadcastService broadcastService(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|BrokerageAccount brokerageAccount(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|BuddhistTemple buddhistTemple(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|BusOrCoach busOrCoach(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|BusReservation busReservation(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|BusStation busStation(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|BusStop busStop(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|BusTrip busTrip(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|BusinessAudience businessAudience(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|BusinessEntityType businessEntityType(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|BusinessEvent businessEvent(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|BusinessFunction businessFunction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|BuyAction buyAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|CDCPMDRecord cDCPMDRecord(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|CableOrSatelliteService cableOrSatelliteService(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|CafeOrCoffeeShop cafeOrCoffeeShop(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Campground campground(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|CampingPitch campingPitch(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Canal canal(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|CancelAction cancelAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Car car(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|CarUsageType carUsageType(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Casino casino(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|CategoryCode categoryCode(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|CategoryCodeSet categoryCodeSet(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|CatholicChurch catholicChurch(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Cemetery cemetery(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Chapter chapter(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|CheckAction checkAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|CheckInAction checkInAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|CheckOutAction checkOutAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|CheckoutPage checkoutPage(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ChemicalSubstance chemicalSubstance(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ChildCare childCare(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ChildrensEvent childrensEvent(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ChooseAction chooseAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Church church(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|City city(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|CityHall cityHall(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|CivicStructure civicStructure(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Claim claim(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ClaimReview claimReview(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Clip clip(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ClothingStore clothingStore(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Code code(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Collection collection(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|CollectionPage collectionPage(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|CollegeOrUniversity collegeOrUniversity(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ComedyClub comedyClub(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ComedyEvent comedyEvent(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ComicCoverArt comicCoverArt(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ComicIssue comicIssue(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ComicSeries comicSeries(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ComicStory comicStory(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Comment comment(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|CommentAction commentAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|CommunicateAction communicateAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|CompleteDataFeed completeDataFeed(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|CompoundPriceSpecification compoundPriceSpecification(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ComputerLanguage computerLanguage(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ComputerStore computerStore(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ConfirmAction confirmAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Consortium consortium(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ConsumeAction consumeAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ContactPage contactPage(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ContactPoint contactPoint(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ContactPointOption contactPointOption(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Continent continent(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ControlAction controlAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ConvenienceStore convenienceStore(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Conversation conversation(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|CookAction cookAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Corporation corporation(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|CorrectionComment correctionComment(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Country country(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Course course(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|CourseInstance courseInstance(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Courthouse courthouse(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|CoverArt coverArt(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|CovidTestingFacility covidTestingFacility(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|CreateAction createAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|CreativeWork creativeWork(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|CreativeWorkSeason creativeWorkSeason(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|CreativeWorkSeries creativeWorkSeries(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|CreditCard creditCard(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Crematorium crematorium(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|CriticReview criticReview(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|CssSelectorType cssSelectorType(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|CurrencyConversionService currencyConversionService(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|DDxElement dDxElement(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|DanceEvent danceEvent(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|DanceGroup danceGroup(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|DataCatalog dataCatalog(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|DataDownload dataDownload(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|DataFeed dataFeed(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|DataFeedItem dataFeedItem(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Dataset dataset(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|DatedMoneySpecification datedMoneySpecification(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|DayOfWeek dayOfWeek(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|DaySpa daySpa(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|DeactivateAction deactivateAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|DefenceEstablishment defenceEstablishment(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|DefinedRegion definedRegion(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|DefinedTerm definedTerm(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|DefinedTermSet definedTermSet(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|DeleteAction deleteAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|DeliveryChargeSpecification deliveryChargeSpecification(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|DeliveryEvent deliveryEvent(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|DeliveryMethod deliveryMethod(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|DeliveryTimeSettings deliveryTimeSettings(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Demand demand(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Dentist dentist(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|DepartAction departAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|DepartmentStore departmentStore(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|DepositAccount depositAccount(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|DiagnosticLab diagnosticLab(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|DiagnosticProcedure diagnosticProcedure(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Diet diet(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|DietarySupplement dietarySupplement(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|DigitalDocument digitalDocument(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|DigitalDocumentPermission digitalDocumentPermission(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|DigitalDocumentPermissionType digitalDocumentPermissionType(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|DisagreeAction disagreeAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|DiscoverAction discoverAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|DiscussionForumPosting discussionForumPosting(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|DislikeAction dislikeAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Distance distance(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Distillery distillery(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|DonateAction donateAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|DoseSchedule doseSchedule(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|DownloadAction downloadAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|DrawAction drawAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Drawing drawing(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|DrinkAction drinkAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|DriveWheelConfigurationValue driveWheelConfigurationValue(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Drug drug(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|DrugClass drugClass(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|DrugCost drugCost(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|DrugCostCategory drugCostCategory(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|DrugLegalStatus drugLegalStatus(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|DrugPregnancyCategory drugPregnancyCategory(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|DrugPrescriptionStatus drugPrescriptionStatus(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|DrugStrength drugStrength(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|DryCleaningOrLaundry dryCleaningOrLaundry(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Duration duration(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|EUEnergyEfficiencyEnumeration eUEnergyEfficiencyEnumeration(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|EatAction eatAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|EducationEvent educationEvent(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|EducationalAudience educationalAudience(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|EducationalOccupationalCredential educationalOccupationalCredential(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|EducationalOccupationalProgram educationalOccupationalProgram(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|EducationalOrganization educationalOrganization(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Electrician electrician(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ElectronicsStore electronicsStore(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ElementarySchool elementarySchool(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|EmailMessage emailMessage(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Embassy embassy(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|EmergencyService emergencyService(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|EmployeeRole employeeRole(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|EmployerAggregateRating employerAggregateRating(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|EmployerReview employerReview(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|EmploymentAgency employmentAgency(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|EndorseAction endorseAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|EndorsementRating endorsementRating(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Energy energy(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|EnergyConsumptionDetails energyConsumptionDetails(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|EnergyEfficiencyEnumeration energyEfficiencyEnumeration(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|EnergyStarEnergyEfficiencyEnumeration energyStarEnergyEfficiencyEnumeration(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|EngineSpecification engineSpecification(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|EntertainmentBusiness entertainmentBusiness(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|EntryPoint entryPoint(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Enumeration enumeration(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Episode episode(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Event event(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|EventAttendanceModeEnumeration eventAttendanceModeEnumeration(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|EventReservation eventReservation(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|EventSeries eventSeries(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|EventStatusType eventStatusType(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|EventVenue eventVenue(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ExchangeRateSpecification exchangeRateSpecification(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ExerciseAction exerciseAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ExerciseGym exerciseGym(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ExercisePlan exercisePlan(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ExhibitionEvent exhibitionEvent(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|FAQPage fAQPage(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|FMRadioChannel fMRadioChannel(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|FastFoodRestaurant fastFoodRestaurant(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Festival festival(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|FilmAction filmAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|FinancialProduct financialProduct(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|FinancialService financialService(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|FindAction findAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|FireStation fireStation(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Flight flight(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|FlightReservation flightReservation(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|FloorPlan floorPlan(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Florist florist(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|FollowAction followAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|FoodEstablishment foodEstablishment(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|FoodEstablishmentReservation foodEstablishmentReservation(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|FoodEvent foodEvent(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|FoodService foodService(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|FundingAgency fundingAgency(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|FundingScheme fundingScheme(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|FurnitureStore furnitureStore(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Game game(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|GamePlayMode gamePlayMode(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|GameServer gameServer(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|GameServerStatus gameServerStatus(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|GardenStore gardenStore(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|GasStation gasStation(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|GatedResidenceCommunity gatedResidenceCommunity(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|GenderType genderType(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Gene gene(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|GeneralContractor generalContractor(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|GeoCircle geoCircle(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|GeoCoordinates geoCoordinates(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|GeoShape geoShape(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|GeospatialGeometry geospatialGeometry(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|GiveAction giveAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|GolfCourse golfCourse(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|GovernmentBenefitsType governmentBenefitsType(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|GovernmentBuilding governmentBuilding(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|GovernmentOffice governmentOffice(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|GovernmentOrganization governmentOrganization(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|GovernmentPermit governmentPermit(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|GovernmentService governmentService(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Grant grant(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|GroceryStore groceryStore(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Guide guide(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|HVACBusiness hVACBusiness(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Hackathon hackathon(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|HairSalon hairSalon(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|HardwareStore hardwareStore(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|HealthAndBeautyBusiness healthAndBeautyBusiness(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|HealthAspectEnumeration healthAspectEnumeration(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|HealthClub healthClub(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|HealthInsurancePlan healthInsurancePlan(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|HealthPlanCostSharingSpecification healthPlanCostSharingSpecification(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|HealthPlanFormulary healthPlanFormulary(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|HealthPlanNetwork healthPlanNetwork(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|HealthTopicContent healthTopicContent(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|HighSchool highSchool(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|HinduTemple hinduTemple(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|HobbyShop hobbyShop(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|HomeAndConstructionBusiness homeAndConstructionBusiness(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|HomeGoodsStore homeGoodsStore(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Hospital hospital(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Hostel hostel(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Hotel hotel(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|HotelRoom hotelRoom(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|House house(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|HousePainter housePainter(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|HowTo howTo(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|HowToDirection howToDirection(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|HowToItem howToItem(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|HowToSection howToSection(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|HowToStep howToStep(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|HowToSupply howToSupply(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|HowToTip howToTip(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|HowToTool howToTool(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|HyperToc hyperToc(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|HyperTocEntry hyperTocEntry(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|IceCreamShop iceCreamShop(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|IgnoreAction ignoreAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ImageGallery imageGallery(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ImageObject imageObject(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ImageObjectSnapshot imageObjectSnapshot(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ImagingTest imagingTest(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|IndividualProduct individualProduct(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|InfectiousAgentClass infectiousAgentClass(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|InfectiousDisease infectiousDisease(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|InformAction informAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|InsertAction insertAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|InstallAction installAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|InsuranceAgency insuranceAgency(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Intangible intangible(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|InteractAction interactAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|InteractionCounter interactionCounter(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|InternetCafe internetCafe(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|InvestmentFund investmentFund(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|InvestmentOrDeposit investmentOrDeposit(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|InviteAction inviteAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Invoice invoice(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ItemAvailability itemAvailability(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ItemList itemList(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ItemListOrderType itemListOrderType(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ItemPage itemPage(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|JewelryStore jewelryStore(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|JobPosting jobPosting(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|JoinAction joinAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Joint joint(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|LakeBodyOfWater lakeBodyOfWater(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Landform landform(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|LandmarksOrHistoricalBuildings landmarksOrHistoricalBuildings(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Language language(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|LearningResource learningResource(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|LeaveAction leaveAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|LegalForceStatus legalForceStatus(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|LegalService legalService(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|LegalValueLevel legalValueLevel(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Legislation legislation(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|LegislationObject legislationObject(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|LegislativeBuilding legislativeBuilding(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|LendAction lendAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Library library(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|LibrarySystem librarySystem(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|LifestyleModification lifestyleModification(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Ligament ligament(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|LikeAction likeAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|LinkRole linkRole(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|LiquorStore liquorStore(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ListItem listItem(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ListenAction listenAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|LiteraryEvent literaryEvent(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|LiveBlogPosting liveBlogPosting(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|LoanOrCredit loanOrCredit(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|LocalBusiness localBusiness(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|LocationFeatureSpecification locationFeatureSpecification(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Locksmith locksmith(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|LodgingBusiness lodgingBusiness(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|LodgingReservation lodgingReservation(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|LoseAction loseAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|LymphaticVessel lymphaticVessel(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Manuscript manuscript(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Map map(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MapCategoryType mapCategoryType(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MarryAction marryAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Mass mass(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MathSolver mathSolver(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MaximumDoseSchedule maximumDoseSchedule(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MeasurementTypeEnumeration measurementTypeEnumeration(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MediaGallery mediaGallery(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MediaManipulationRatingEnumeration mediaManipulationRatingEnumeration(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MediaObject mediaObject(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MediaReview mediaReview(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MediaReviewItem mediaReviewItem(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MediaSubscription mediaSubscription(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MedicalAudience medicalAudience(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MedicalAudienceType medicalAudienceType(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MedicalBusiness medicalBusiness(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MedicalCause medicalCause(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MedicalClinic medicalClinic(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MedicalCode medicalCode(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MedicalCondition medicalCondition(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MedicalConditionStage medicalConditionStage(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MedicalContraindication medicalContraindication(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MedicalDevice medicalDevice(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MedicalDevicePurpose medicalDevicePurpose(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MedicalEntity medicalEntity(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MedicalEnumeration medicalEnumeration(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MedicalEvidenceLevel medicalEvidenceLevel(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MedicalGuideline medicalGuideline(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MedicalGuidelineContraindication medicalGuidelineContraindication(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MedicalGuidelineRecommendation medicalGuidelineRecommendation(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MedicalImagingTechnique medicalImagingTechnique(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MedicalIndication medicalIndication(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MedicalIntangible medicalIntangible(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MedicalObservationalStudy medicalObservationalStudy(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MedicalObservationalStudyDesign medicalObservationalStudyDesign(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MedicalOrganization medicalOrganization(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MedicalProcedure medicalProcedure(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MedicalProcedureType medicalProcedureType(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MedicalRiskCalculator medicalRiskCalculator(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MedicalRiskEstimator medicalRiskEstimator(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MedicalRiskFactor medicalRiskFactor(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MedicalRiskScore medicalRiskScore(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MedicalScholarlyArticle medicalScholarlyArticle(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MedicalSign medicalSign(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MedicalSignOrSymptom medicalSignOrSymptom(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MedicalSpecialty medicalSpecialty(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MedicalStudy medicalStudy(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MedicalStudyStatus medicalStudyStatus(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MedicalSymptom medicalSymptom(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MedicalTest medicalTest(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MedicalTestPanel medicalTestPanel(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MedicalTherapy medicalTherapy(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MedicalTrial medicalTrial(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MedicalTrialDesign medicalTrialDesign(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MedicalWebPage medicalWebPage(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MedicineSystem medicineSystem(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MeetingRoom meetingRoom(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MensClothingStore mensClothingStore(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Menu menu(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MenuItem menuItem(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MenuSection menuSection(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MerchantReturnEnumeration merchantReturnEnumeration(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MerchantReturnPolicy merchantReturnPolicy(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MerchantReturnPolicySeasonalOverride merchantReturnPolicySeasonalOverride(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Message message(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MiddleSchool middleSchool(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MobileApplication mobileApplication(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MobilePhoneStore mobilePhoneStore(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MolecularEntity molecularEntity(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MonetaryAmount monetaryAmount(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MonetaryAmountDistribution monetaryAmountDistribution(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MonetaryGrant monetaryGrant(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MoneyTransfer moneyTransfer(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MortgageLoan mortgageLoan(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Mosque mosque(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Motel motel(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Motorcycle motorcycle(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MotorcycleDealer motorcycleDealer(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MotorcycleRepair motorcycleRepair(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MotorizedBicycle motorizedBicycle(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Mountain mountain(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MoveAction moveAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Movie movie(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MovieClip movieClip(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MovieRentalStore movieRentalStore(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MovieSeries movieSeries(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MovieTheater movieTheater(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MovingCompany movingCompany(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Muscle muscle(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Museum museum(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MusicAlbum musicAlbum(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MusicAlbumProductionType musicAlbumProductionType(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MusicAlbumReleaseType musicAlbumReleaseType(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MusicComposition musicComposition(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MusicEvent musicEvent(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MusicGroup musicGroup(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MusicPlaylist musicPlaylist(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MusicRecording musicRecording(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MusicRelease musicRelease(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MusicReleaseFormatType musicReleaseFormatType(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MusicStore musicStore(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MusicVenue musicVenue(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|MusicVideoObject musicVideoObject(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|NGO nGO(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|NLNonprofitType nLNonprofitType(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|NailSalon nailSalon(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Nerve nerve(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|NewsArticle newsArticle(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|NewsMediaOrganization newsMediaOrganization(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Newspaper newspaper(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|NightClub nightClub(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|NonprofitType nonprofitType(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Notary notary(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|NoteDigitalDocument noteDigitalDocument(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|NutritionInformation nutritionInformation(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Observation observation(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Occupation occupation(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|OccupationalExperienceRequirements occupationalExperienceRequirements(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|OccupationalTherapy occupationalTherapy(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|OceanBodyOfWater oceanBodyOfWater(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Offer offer(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|OfferCatalog offerCatalog(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|OfferForLease offerForLease(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|OfferForPurchase offerForPurchase(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|OfferItemCondition offerItemCondition(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|OfferShippingDetails offerShippingDetails(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|OfficeEquipmentStore officeEquipmentStore(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|OnDemandEvent onDemandEvent(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|OpeningHoursSpecification openingHoursSpecification(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|OpinionNewsArticle opinionNewsArticle(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Optician optician(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Order order(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|OrderAction orderAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|OrderItem orderItem(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|OrderStatus orderStatus(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Organization organization(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|OrganizationRole organizationRole(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|OrganizeAction organizeAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|OutletStore outletStore(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|OwnershipInfo ownershipInfo(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|PaintAction paintAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Painting painting(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|PalliativeProcedure palliativeProcedure(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ParcelDelivery parcelDelivery(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ParentAudience parentAudience(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Park park(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ParkingFacility parkingFacility(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|PathologyTest pathologyTest(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Patient patient(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|PawnShop pawnShop(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|PayAction payAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|PaymentCard paymentCard(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|PaymentChargeSpecification paymentChargeSpecification(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|PaymentMethod paymentMethod(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|PaymentService paymentService(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|PaymentStatusType paymentStatusType(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|PeopleAudience peopleAudience(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|PerformAction performAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|PerformanceRole performanceRole(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|PerformingArtsTheater performingArtsTheater(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|PerformingGroup performingGroup(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Periodical periodical(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Permit permit(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Person person(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|PetStore petStore(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Pharmacy pharmacy(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Photograph photograph(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|PhotographAction photographAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|PhysicalActivity physicalActivity(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|PhysicalActivityCategory physicalActivityCategory(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|PhysicalExam physicalExam(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|PhysicalTherapy physicalTherapy(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Physician physician(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Place place(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|PlaceOfWorship placeOfWorship(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|PlanAction planAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Play play(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|PlayAction playAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Playground playground(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Plumber plumber(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|PodcastEpisode podcastEpisode(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|PodcastSeason podcastSeason(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|PodcastSeries podcastSeries(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|PoliceStation policeStation(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Pond pond(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|PostOffice postOffice(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|PostalAddress postalAddress(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|PostalCodeRangeSpecification postalCodeRangeSpecification(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Poster poster(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|PreOrderAction preOrderAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|PrependAction prependAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Preschool preschool(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|PresentationDigitalDocument presentationDigitalDocument(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|PreventionIndication preventionIndication(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|PriceComponentTypeEnumeration priceComponentTypeEnumeration(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|PriceSpecification priceSpecification(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|PriceTypeEnumeration priceTypeEnumeration(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Product product(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ProductCollection productCollection(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ProductGroup productGroup(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ProductModel productModel(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ProductReturnEnumeration productReturnEnumeration(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ProductReturnPolicy productReturnPolicy(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ProfessionalService professionalService(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ProfilePage profilePage(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ProgramMembership programMembership(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Project project(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|PronounceableText pronounceableText(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Property property(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|PropertyValue propertyValue(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|PropertyValueSpecification propertyValueSpecification(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Protein protein(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|PsychologicalTreatment psychologicalTreatment(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|PublicSwimmingPool publicSwimmingPool(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|PublicToilet publicToilet(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|PublicationEvent publicationEvent(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|PublicationIssue publicationIssue(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|PublicationVolume publicationVolume(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|QAPage qAPage(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|QualitativeValue qualitativeValue(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|QuantitativeValue quantitativeValue(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|QuantitativeValueDistribution quantitativeValueDistribution(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Quantity quantity(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Question question(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Quiz quiz(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Quotation quotation(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|QuoteAction quoteAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|RVPark rVPark(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|RadiationTherapy radiationTherapy(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|RadioBroadcastService radioBroadcastService(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|RadioChannel radioChannel(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|RadioClip radioClip(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|RadioEpisode radioEpisode(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|RadioSeason radioSeason(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|RadioSeries radioSeries(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|RadioStation radioStation(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Rating rating(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ReactAction reactAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ReadAction readAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|RealEstateAgent realEstateAgent(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|RealEstateListing realEstateListing(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ReceiveAction receiveAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Recipe recipe(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Recommendation recommendation(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|RecommendedDoseSchedule recommendedDoseSchedule(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|RecyclingCenter recyclingCenter(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|RefundTypeEnumeration refundTypeEnumeration(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|RegisterAction registerAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|RejectAction rejectAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|RentAction rentAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|RentalCarReservation rentalCarReservation(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|RepaymentSpecification repaymentSpecification(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ReplaceAction replaceAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ReplyAction replyAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Report report(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ReportageNewsArticle reportageNewsArticle(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ReportedDoseSchedule reportedDoseSchedule(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ResearchOrganization researchOrganization(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ResearchProject researchProject(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Researcher researcher(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Reservation reservation(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ReservationPackage reservationPackage(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ReservationStatusType reservationStatusType(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ReserveAction reserveAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Reservoir reservoir(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Residence residence(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Resort resort(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Restaurant restaurant(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|RestrictedDiet restrictedDiet(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ResumeAction resumeAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ReturnAction returnAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ReturnFeesEnumeration returnFeesEnumeration(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ReturnLabelSourceEnumeration returnLabelSourceEnumeration(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ReturnMethodEnumeration returnMethodEnumeration(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Review review(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ReviewAction reviewAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ReviewNewsArticle reviewNewsArticle(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|RiverBodyOfWater riverBodyOfWater(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Role role(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|RoofingContractor roofingContractor(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Room room(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|RsvpAction rsvpAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|RsvpResponseType rsvpResponseType(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|SaleEvent saleEvent(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|SatiricalArticle satiricalArticle(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Schedule schedule(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ScheduleAction scheduleAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ScholarlyArticle scholarlyArticle(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|School school(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|SchoolDistrict schoolDistrict(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ScreeningEvent screeningEvent(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Sculpture sculpture(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|SeaBodyOfWater seaBodyOfWater(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|SearchAction searchAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|SearchResultsPage searchResultsPage(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Season season(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Seat seat(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|SeekToAction seekToAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|SelfStorage selfStorage(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|SellAction sellAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|SendAction sendAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Series series(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Service service(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ServiceChannel serviceChannel(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ShareAction shareAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|SheetMusic sheetMusic(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ShippingDeliveryTime shippingDeliveryTime(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ShippingRateSettings shippingRateSettings(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ShoeStore shoeStore(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ShoppingCenter shoppingCenter(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ShortStory shortStory(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|SingleFamilyResidence singleFamilyResidence(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|SiteNavigationElement siteNavigationElement(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|SizeGroupEnumeration sizeGroupEnumeration(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|SizeSpecification sizeSpecification(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|SizeSystemEnumeration sizeSystemEnumeration(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|SkiResort skiResort(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|SocialEvent socialEvent(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|SocialMediaPosting socialMediaPosting(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|SoftwareApplication softwareApplication(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|SoftwareSourceCode softwareSourceCode(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|SolveMathAction solveMathAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|SomeProducts someProducts(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|SpeakableSpecification speakableSpecification(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|SpecialAnnouncement specialAnnouncement(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Specialty specialty(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|SportingGoodsStore sportingGoodsStore(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|SportsActivityLocation sportsActivityLocation(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|SportsClub sportsClub(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|SportsEvent sportsEvent(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|SportsOrganization sportsOrganization(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|SportsTeam sportsTeam(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|SpreadsheetDigitalDocument spreadsheetDigitalDocument(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|StadiumOrArena stadiumOrArena(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|State state(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Statement statement(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|StatisticalPopulation statisticalPopulation(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|StatusEnumeration statusEnumeration(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|SteeringPositionValue steeringPositionValue(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Store store(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|StructuredValue structuredValue(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|StupidType stupidType(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|SubscribeAction subscribeAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Substance substance(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|SubwayStation subwayStation(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Suite suite(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|SuperficialAnatomy superficialAnatomy(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|SurgicalProcedure surgicalProcedure(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|SuspendAction suspendAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Synagogue synagogue(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|TVClip tVClip(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|TVEpisode tVEpisode(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|TVSeason tVSeason(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|TVSeries tVSeries(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Table table(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|TakeAction takeAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|TattooParlor tattooParlor(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Taxi taxi(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|TaxiReservation taxiReservation(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|TaxiService taxiService(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|TaxiStand taxiStand(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Taxon taxon(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|TechArticle techArticle(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|TelevisionChannel televisionChannel(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|TelevisionStation televisionStation(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|TennisComplex tennisComplex(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|TextDigitalDocument textDigitalDocument(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|TheaterEvent theaterEvent(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|TheaterGroup theaterGroup(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|TherapeuticProcedure therapeuticProcedure(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Thesis thesis(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Thing thing(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Ticket ticket(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|TieAction tieAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|TipAction tipAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|TireShop tireShop(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|TouristAttraction touristAttraction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|TouristDestination touristDestination(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|TouristInformationCenter touristInformationCenter(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|TouristTrip touristTrip(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ToyStore toyStore(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|TrackAction trackAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|TradeAction tradeAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|TrainReservation trainReservation(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|TrainStation trainStation(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|TrainTrip trainTrip(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|TransferAction transferAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|TravelAction travelAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|TravelAgency travelAgency(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|TreatmentIndication treatmentIndication(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Trip trip(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|TypeAndQuantityNode typeAndQuantityNode(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|UKNonprofitType uKNonprofitType(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|USNonprofitType uSNonprofitType(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|UnRegisterAction unRegisterAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|UnitPriceSpecification unitPriceSpecification(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|UpdateAction updateAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|UseAction useAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|UserBlocks userBlocks(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|UserCheckins userCheckins(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|UserComments userComments(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|UserDownloads userDownloads(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|UserInteraction userInteraction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|UserLikes userLikes(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|UserPageVisits userPageVisits(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|UserPlays userPlays(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|UserPlusOnes userPlusOnes(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|UserReview userReview(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|UserTweets userTweets(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Vehicle vehicle(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Vein vein(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Vessel vessel(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|VeterinaryCare veterinaryCare(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|VideoGallery videoGallery(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|VideoGame videoGame(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|VideoGameClip videoGameClip(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|VideoGameSeries videoGameSeries(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|VideoObject videoObject(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|VideoObjectSnapshot videoObjectSnapshot(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|ViewAction viewAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|VirtualLocation virtualLocation(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|VisualArtsEvent visualArtsEvent(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|VisualArtwork visualArtwork(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|VitalSign vitalSign(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Volcano volcano(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|VoteAction voteAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|WPAdBlock wPAdBlock(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|WPFooter wPFooter(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|WPHeader wPHeader(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|WPSideBar wPSideBar(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|WantAction wantAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|WarrantyPromise warrantyPromise(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|WarrantyScope warrantyScope(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|WatchAction watchAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Waterfall waterfall(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|WearAction wearAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|WearableMeasurementTypeEnumeration wearableMeasurementTypeEnumeration(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|WearableSizeGroupEnumeration wearableSizeGroupEnumeration(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|WearableSizeSystemEnumeration wearableSizeSystemEnumeration(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|WebAPI webAPI(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|WebApplication webApplication(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|WebContent webContent(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|WebPage webPage(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|WebPageElement webPageElement(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|WebSite webSite(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|WholesaleStore wholesaleStore(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|WinAction winAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Winery winery(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|WorkBasedProgram workBasedProgram(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|WorkersUnion workersUnion(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|WriteAction writeAction(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|XPathType xPathType(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
* @method self|Zoo zoo(string|\Closure|null $identifier = null, \Closure|null $callback = null)
class Graph implements Type, ArrayAccess, JsonSerializable
public const IDENTIFIER_DEFAULT = 'default';
/** @var Type[] */
protected $nodes = [];
/** @var array */
protected $hidden = [];
/** @var string|null */
protected $context;
public function __construct(?string $context = null)
$this->context = $context;
* This overloads all \Spatie\SchemaOrg\Schema construction methods.
* You can call them the same like on the \Spatie\SchemaOrg\Schema class.
* But you can also use the extended signatures.
* Graph::organisation(): Organisation
* Graph::organisation('spatie'): Organisation
* Graph::organisation(function(Organisation $organisation, Graph $graph) {}): Graph
* Graph::organisation('spatie', function(Organisation $organisation, Graph $graph) {}): Graph
* @see \Spatie\SchemaOrg\Schema
* @param string $method
* @param array $arguments
* @return $this|Type
* @throws \ReflectionException
* @throws \BadMethodCallException
public function __call(string $method, array $arguments)
if (is_callable([Schema::class, $method])) {
$type = (new ReflectionClass(Schema::class))->getMethod($method)->getReturnType();
if (! $type instanceof ReflectionNamedType) {
throw new BadMethodCallException(sprintf('The method "%s" has an invalid return type which does not resolve to "%s".', $method, ReflectionNamedType::class));
$identifier = self::IDENTIFIER_DEFAULT;
if (isset($arguments[0])) {
if (is_string($arguments[0])) {
$identifier = $arguments[0];
if (isset($arguments[1]) && is_callable($arguments[1])) {
$callback = $arguments[1];
} elseif (is_callable($arguments[0])) {
$callback = $arguments[0];
$schema = $this->getOrCreate($type->getName(), $identifier);
if (isset($callback)) {
call_user_func($callback, $schema, $this);
return $this;
return $schema;
throw new BadMethodCallException(sprintf('The method "%s" does not exist on class "%s".', $method, get_class($this)));
public function if(bool $condition, Closure $callback)
if ($condition) {
return $this;
public function add(Type $schema, string $identifier = self::IDENTIFIER_DEFAULT): self
$type = get_class($schema);
if ($this->has($type, $identifier)) {
throw new TypeAlreadyInGraph(sprintf('The graph already has an item of type "%s" with identifier "%s".', $type, $identifier));
return $this->set($schema, $identifier);
public function has(string $type, string $identifier = self::IDENTIFIER_DEFAULT): bool
return array_key_exists($type, $this->nodes) && array_key_exists($identifier, $this->nodes[$type]);
public function set(Type $schema, string $identifier = self::IDENTIFIER_DEFAULT)
$this->nodes[get_class($schema)][$identifier] = $schema;
return $this;
public function get(string $type, string $identifier = self::IDENTIFIER_DEFAULT): Type
if (! $this->has($type, $identifier)) {
throw new TypeNotInGraph(sprintf('The graph does not have an item of type "%s" with identifier "%s".', $type, $identifier));
return $this->nodes[$type][$identifier];
public function getOrCreate(string $type, string $identifier = self::IDENTIFIER_DEFAULT): Type
if (! is_subclass_of($type, Type::class)) {
throw new InvalidType(sprintf('The given type "%s" is not an instance of "%s".', $type, Type::class));
if (! $this->has($type, $identifier)) {
$this->set(new $type(), $identifier);
return $this->get($type, $identifier);
public function hide(string $type, ?string $identifier = self::IDENTIFIER_DEFAULT): self
// hide all
if ($identifier === null) {
$this->hidden[$type] = true;
return $this;
// hide single one if nothing configured
if (! isset($this->hidden[$type])) {
$this->hidden[$type][$identifier] = true;
return $this;
// hide single one only if all are not already hidden
if ($this->hidden[$type] !== true) {
$this->hidden[$type][$identifier] = true;
return $this;
return $this;
public function show(string $type, ?string $identifier = self::IDENTIFIER_DEFAULT): self
// show all
if ($identifier === null) {
$this->hidden[$type] = false;
return $this;
// show single one if nothing configured
if (! isset($this->hidden[$type])) {
$this->hidden[$type][$identifier] = false;
return $this;
// ignore if everything is shown
if ($this->hidden[$type] === false) {
return $this;
// show single one if identifier configuration exists
if (is_array($this->hidden[$type])) {
$this->hidden[$type][$identifier] = false;
return $this;
if ($this->hidden[$type] === true) {
$this->hidden[$type] = [];
// keep everything hidden and show only single one
if (isset($this->nodes[$type])) {
foreach ($this->nodes[$type] as $id => $node) {
$this->hidden[$type][$id] = $id !== $identifier;
return $this;
// show single one if no nodes exist
$this->hidden[$type][$identifier] = false;
return $this;
return $this;
public function toArray(): array
$nodes = $this->getNodes();
foreach ($this->hidden as $type => $hideAll) {
if (is_bool($hideAll) && $hideAll) {
if (is_array($hideAll)) {
foreach ($hideAll as $identifier => $hide) {
if (is_bool($hide) && $hide) {
$nodes = array_reduce($nodes, function (array $carry, array $types) {
return array_merge($carry, array_values($types));
}, []);
return [
'@context' => $this->getContext(),
'@graph' => $this->serializeNode(array_values($nodes)),
protected function serializeNode($node)
if (is_array($node)) {
return array_map([$this, 'serializeNode'], array_values($node));
if ($node instanceof Type) {
$node = $node->toArray();
return $node;
public function getNodes(): array
return $this->nodes;
public function getContext(): string
return $this->context ?? 'https://schema.org';
public function toScript(): string
return '<script type="application/ld+json">'.json_encode($this, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE).'</script>';
public function jsonSerialize()
return $this->toArray();
public function __toString(): string
return $this->toScript();
protected function getTypeAndIdentifier(string $key): array
if (strpos($key, '.') === false) {
return [$key, self::IDENTIFIER_DEFAULT];
return explode('.', $key);
public function offsetExists($offset)
[$type, $identifier] = $this->getTypeAndIdentifier($offset);
return $this->has($type, $identifier);
public function offsetGet($offset)
[$type, $identifier] = $this->getTypeAndIdentifier($offset);
return $this->get($type, $identifier);
public function offsetSet($offset, $value)
$identifier = $offset;
if (strpos($offset, '.') !== false) {
[$type, $identifier] = $this->getTypeAndIdentifier($offset);
$this->set($value, $identifier);
public function offsetUnset($offset)
[$type, $identifier] = $this->getTypeAndIdentifier($offset);